Why doesn’t Voldemort have a nose? (Paintist’s Diaries, January 16, 2021)

Vic Brighten
2 min readJan 18, 2021

All people who have a nose, at least once in their lives, wondered why Voldemort lost his own? People who have watched only 3 parts will hardly understand what I’m talking about, and if they see this article, they will assume that there is a spell that deprives you of your nose, something like “Nosooseness”. Perhaps, Voldemort is always telling the truth, which is why his nose did not grow. Why, by the way, the theory from Pinocchio is considered absurd, maybe our nose, when we lie, increases, but not so much, by a micrometer. Although, there is irrefutable evidence to the contrary, people who should have a huge nose for a long time, for some reason, so far only a solid tummy.

Okay, speculated and that’s enough. So why didn’t the dark lord conjure his nose? Perhaps he was preparing for a role in the film “The Shape of Water”, and already signed a contract that did not allow him to grow his nose, who knows.

In fact, everything is much simpler, according to one of the theories, which is considered fundamental, the Dark Lord upon resurrection should have had a frightening appearance, reminding people that he is no longer a human, but a kind of introgression with a snake, because we all remember whose descendant is Tom Riddle (name on passport).

Attentive people remember that this article is part of the Paintinst’s Diaries, so I present your next picture.

Paintist’s Diaries by Vic Brighten (January 16, 2021)

Thank you for your attention and remember: “No magic outside Hogwarts!”



Vic Brighten

I thought about it for a long time, I don't care what others think. I am Vic Brighten, 22 years old musician who like to draw cartoons and it's my story